The Pomahaka Water Care Group is a farmer-led group of landowners who are working together to improve the health of the Pomahaka River catchment.

The Pomahaka River is located in South West Otago and is a world renowned trout fishery. We also have significant native freshwater fish populations, including longfin and shortfin eel, lamprey, freshwater crayfish, and the endemic Pomahaka galaxias.
Our purpose
The Pomahaka Water Care Group has as its aim:
Our aim is for the Pomahaka River to be recognized as having the absolute highest water quality so that future generations can enjoy the river as we have.
Our catchment
The Pomahaka catchment is 2060km2. The River begins in behind the Black Umbrella mountains, and travels for 80kms before entering the Clutha River/Mata-Au just downstream from Clydevale.
There are several significant tributaries that enter the Pomahaka throughout its length, the largest of these is the Waipahi River.